What is ‘Business Valuation’ and How to do it for Small Business

Business assessment is the process of determining the economic value of a business or company. Business pricing can be used to determine the fair value of the business for a variety of reasons, including sales prices, establishment of partner ownership, and divorce proceedings. Many times, the owners will go to business professional assessors for estimation of the value of a business’s value.

Finishing ‘Business Valuation’

The topic of business evaluation is often discussed in corporate finance. Evaluation of business valuation is usually done when a company is looking to sell all parts of its operations or to merge or acquire it with another company. Evaluating a business is the process of determining the present value of a business, using objective remedies and evaluating all aspects of business. A business valuation may include analysis of the company’s management, its capital structure, its future income potential, or the market value of its property. The area of ​​business evaluation involves a wide array of fields and methods. The tools and methods used for valuation can vary between valuator, business and industry. The general view of the business assessment includes review of financial statements, relaxation of cash flow model and comparisons of similar company.

The company can be evaluated in a variety of ways, some of these business valuation methods include:

“Please note that most valuations methods are based on data such as comparables or base valuations. How to find such data is an issue per se, and will not be addressed in this paper, but most likely in a future paper.

Market Capitalization:

This is the simplest way of business valuation. This is calculated by multiplying the share price of the company’s shares by the total number of outstanding shares, for example, until January 3, 2018, Microsoft Inc. Turned on $ 86.35. With the total number of outstanding shares of 7.715 billion, the company’s value is $ 86.35 to $ 7.715 billion = 666.19 billion dollars.

Times Revenue Method:

Under this business valuation method, a flow of revenue generated in a given period is applied to a multiplier which depends on the industry and the economic environment. For example, the price of a technical company can be in 3x revenue, while a service firm can be valuable in 0.5x revenue.

Berkus Method:

Berkus method is an easiest and convenient rule of thumb to estimate the value of your any establish business or startup. It was a famous writer and business designed by Angel investor Dave Berkus. The starting point is: Do you believe that the box can reach $ 200 million in revenues in the fifth year of business? If the answer is yes, then you can assess your box against the 5 key criteria for building the Business

It will give you a big idea how much your business is worth (alias Pre-Money Assessment) and more importantly, what you should improve. Kindly Note that according to Berkus, pre-peony valuation should not exceed $2million. The Berkus method is widely used for pre-revenue startup.

Earning multiplier:

Instead of the revenue method, the earnings multiplier can be used together to obtain a more accurate picture of the actual value, because the company’s profitable sales revenue is a more reliable indicator of its financial success. Are there. Earnings multiplier adjusts future profits against cash flows which can be invested at the current interest rate during that time period. In other words, it adjusts the existing P / E ratio to current interest rates

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method:

This method of business evaluation is similar to earning multiplier. This method is based on estimates of future cash flows, which have been adjusted to achieve the current market value of the company. The main difference between discounted cash flow method and profit multiplier method is that inflation is kept in mind to calculate the present value.

Book Value:

This is the value of shareholder equity of the business as shown on the balance sheet statement. Book value has been achieved by reducing total liabilities from the company’s total assets. Read: Book Value Vs Market Value

Liquidation Value:

This is pure cash which will get a business if its assets were destroyed and today liabilities have been paid.

This list is not an exhaustive list of business pricing methods. Other methods include replacement cost, breakaway value, asset-based valuation, etc.

Pricing for tax reporting is also important. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that a business be evaluated on the basis of its fair market value. Based on the valuation, tax will be levied on some tax related incidents like the sale, purchase or gift of a company’s shares.

There are the business valuation methods which needs to create a business valuation report for any business, you can use this information to create business valuation report for small business and a startup. Business valuation need when you are going to raise fund for your business. Every investor invests when he found your business valuable, they decide on the basis of valuation report.

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