11 Ways to Get More Sales on Amazon FBA

Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is one of the most profitable ways to generate revenue.

If you are new to the business, you can easily learn the ropes of selling on Amazon and get started selling your products fairly quickly. Amazon FBA is also a great way to earn better money on the side.

Not only does it let you learn how to conduct real business, paving way for your early retirement from the job market, but it also helps you create a fortune.

Yes, most Amazon FBA sellers have been able to earn six figures income and are living pretty lavishly. The only thing that matters here is lots and lots of testing, a handful of failures, and utmost dedication.

But success shouldn’t always be this hard. Especially, when there are people who can help you like the Just One Dime Amazon FBA program. In this blog, we will discuss some of the best ways to get started fast and easy on Amazon FBA without minimum hassle.

List of the Best Ways to Get Better at Amazon FBA

1. Get More Reviews

The first thing you will need to sell more on Amazon is good reviews. You can get good reviews in a variety of ways.

For example, you can ask all the people who are purchasing your products to share their feedback on Amazon. This way, you will get honest reviews of your product. Similarly, you can ask your friends, family members, and others to buy your products and share their reviews on Amazon.

2. Turn Feedback into Reviews

Amazon has feedback and a review section. In most cases, customers will give feedback on your product in the form of ratings. But they won’t leave a review. You will have to personally email them and ask them to provide a review of your product on Amazon. This will help you get more engagement.

Why? Because the more reviews your product has, the higher it will rise in ranks.

3. Optimize Keywords

Not many new sellers know this but there is a thing called Amazon SEO. Just like any other website, you can optimize your products on Amazon to get higher rankings.

Amazon wants only products that convert. So, if your Amazon products are not converting, then it will increase the bounce rate. To counter this problem, you need to optimize your Amazon product pages in the right way.

Some good tools you can use to optimize Amazon FBA listings are Sonar, MerchantWords, and Amazon Keywords.

4. Product Inserts

Product inserts are when you mention on the product description page that if customers review your product, they will have a year-long warranty for free.

For example, “If you leave us a review, then we’ll give you a lifetime extended warranty.”

Similarly, most sellers put a sticker inside their product packaging that if reviewers review their products, they will get an extended lifetime warranty. Although these types of product inserts are one of the best ways to ask customers for reviews, they are prohibited by Amazon.

Source: Ecomcrew

5. Use the Right Tool – Helium10, JungleScout

For most people who are starting their Amazon FBA account for the first time, their biggest worry is about what is the right tool to search for products.

They can get help from tools like Helium10, JungleScout, and much more similar. These tools are specifically built for Amazon FBA training and they are perfect for beginners and experts alike who would like to ace the FBA game.

6. Try Retail Arbitrage

Another great way to earn more on Amazon FBA is to go for retail arbitrage.

Retail arbitrage is all about buying items for low and selling them for a higher price. Let’s say you found a product on Amazon that’s selling for higher. Now, you have to find vendors who are selling the product for a lower price. Also, take note of all the charges that Amazon will take for the product.

On average, Amazon charges 35% of the fees. So, if a product is $10. Amazon will charge $3.5. Your selling price should be $20. This will give you a $6.5 commission. If you want to keep a 100% markup then sell the product for $24.

It depends on how much you want to get from the product. As a rule of thumb, products under $50 should be sold for double the amount to get the maximum profit.

Sell What’s Working

Source: Ecommerce CEO

If you are selling for the first time on Amazon, then go for most sold items. How will you find what’s selling on Amazon?

That’s where Amazon’s bestselling section comes in. You can use this section to get products that can be sold at a higher price. If you are not sure that you can sell these products at a higher price, you can move to other products. The best way to find all this out is with the JungleScout plugin.

7. Play on Price

Amazon has many products where competitors are playing on the price.

For example, if a product is available for $30 and the seller is getting $5 as commission. Another seller will enter with the same product with a price of $28. He/she will keep $3 in commission only. Although this type of price playing is too volatile. But if the product can be sold at high margins, then it is a good way to get decent profits in a short time.

8. Use Chat Apps to Engage Customers

You can use chat applications to engage your long lost customers and even new visitors. Most ecommerce store owners are successfully using applications like ManyChats to increase their orders, keep customers happy, and enhance their brand awareness.

Source: Ecomcrew

You can use Manychat with Facebook, emails, and even Whatsapp to contact your customers and ask them about reviews, or suggest them about a new product that you have recently launched.

9. Create an Email List

Another way to make more sales of your ecommerce products is by creating an email list and sending them news about your latest products.

Your email list will help you get more sales on auto-pilot. Email lists also have a great benefit. You can use it even if you don’t have your website. And, many Amazon FBA business owners don’t have a website. So, this is a plus for those who would like to double their business.

10. Amazon Early Reviewer Program

Finally, Amazon FBA users can use the Amazon early reviewer program to increase their sales. The Amazon early reviewer program charges Amazon FBA sellers $60 for promoting and asking customers to write reviews.

With this reviewer program, every reviewer will get $1 to $3 in cashback. It is also a great program for Amazon FBA sellers who would like to increase the number of sales they get on an average basis.

Partying thoughts

We hope you liked this list of ways to get better sales on Amazon FBA. In the end, we recommend that you stay consistent and keep finding new ways that can help you grow and scale your business.

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