Best PHP E-Commerce Platforms for Your Business Website

PHP is the first step, like alphabet for someone interested in web development as a career option. It is indeed the most used languages among the coders for development of customized websites, around the globe. There are many reasons behind PHP being such a popular platform. First of all, it is one of the easiest platforms to be learned, as well as to experiment with something new.

E-Commerce Platforms

Being the first languages in web development arena, it is always preferred by the developers from a security point of views. To be specific, the websites requiring storage of huge amount of data or access to data through the database in regular intervals are always preferred to be developed through PHP.

No matter how graphically enriched is your site, how high-end it is in terms of design, or how much data storage is required, a website developed through PHP is not going to compromise with performance in any way. In fact, a PHP site is the most compatible for accompanying different tools for performance and design enhancement.

For Ecommerce Sites:

It’s the era of eCommerce. Many people around the globe have started their own eCommerce sites. And, PHP has been the most preferred platform to start an eCommerce site. Starting from user experience to security, an eCommerce site developed through PHP can be the most accomplishing over others. Ecommerce sites demand the frequent addition of features and plugins to attract the users.

From this point of view as well, PHP can be the most suitable platform to develop an eCommerce site. No matter how advanced add-ons you try to implement with your eCommerce site to attract the visitors, the performance level is not going to be compromised. These additions can’t be ignored as well in a growing competitive scenario. Hence, the safest recommendation would be going with a website powered by PHP.

Modern-day website developments demand various factors to be considered. Things can be even more challenging for an ecommerce site, where a lot of elements have to be implemented. Starting from social media integration, payment gateway to image enhancement, there are many aspects one needs to be careful while developing these sites. PHP indeed is the most suitable platform for any kind of website development task. Things can be simpler if someone opts to hire specialist top ecommerce website development services with adequate experience.

However, one needs to be careful about going with the best PHP platform for ecommerce sites. There are indeed various kinds of PHP ecommerce platform options available. One needs to be careful while selecting the right one. Moreover, it is important to have knowledge about each of these platforms.

It can be suggested to hire expert ecommerce website development services with significant experience to get the right recommendation on which PHP platform to go with. They can help you in knowing the advantage and disadvantages of each of these, and thus selecting the right one. However, it is given below some of the best recommendations for PHP ecommerce platforms.


If you are looking for a nice open source PHP platform, Magento can be a good recommendation for ecommerce developments. One may go with the free edition as well. In fact, the free edition to comes with a range of features. Those who wish for advanced features may go with the paid editions; there can be plenty of options available for them.

The best part is that this platform comes with different upgrades with themes, add-ons, etc. inconsistent fashion to give an advanced level of customization to the site. Magento can be a suitable platform for payment security aspects as well. However, Magento development can be tricky from customization point of view. Hence, it is recommended to hire ecommerce website development services with adequate experience in this regard. They can help you about payment related aspects as well.


WooCommerce is an equally popular platform for PHP for ecommerce development. To be specific, if your requirement is to turn a present WordPress site into an ecommerce site, there can’t be any better choice than WooCommerce. Again, one should prefer to ecommerce website development services with adequate experience in such occasions as the chances of data loss always remain there. However, a perfectly developed ecommerce site on WooCommerce can be the easiest of all to be dealt with. Multiple functionalities can be added to the existing site through WooCommerce. Interestingly, it’s a free plugin available for the WordPress users. If you are a small business owner, WooCommerce can be the best recommendation to start your business.


Open Cart is another popular open source platform for the ecommerce owners. If you are looking for something distinguishing for your site, OpenCart can be the best recommendation to go with. There are more than twelve thousand themes one can find with this platform.

Most of these themes are free, and some of these are paid. But, being a new and unorthodox platform, it is recommended to hire ecommerce website development services with sufficient experience for these tasks. It can be advised for the newbie users to go with the paid versions, as they can get customer support for it. Free versions don’t come with customer support.

Zen Cart:

Zen Cart can be a good choice for open source eCommerce platform on PHP. If you are looking for user-friendly sites with advanced features, Zen Cart can be the best recommendation to go with. It is perfect for the beginners considering the ease of usage. This platform gives you the multi-language support, which makes it perfect for those who want to take their business to different parts of the world.

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