Instagram vs. Pinterest: Choose the Ideal Platform for Your Business

Instagram and Pinterest are both social media platforms that differ with each other in many ways. In order to leverage these platforms for your business, it is necessary to learn about the unique features that are available on both Instagram and Pinterest. Instagram and Pinterest are visual content sharing social media platforms where you can promote your business in front of a large audience base by posting images of your brand along with other photos.

The major difference between the two visual-sharing social networking websites is how people utilize them for their specific needs. For instance, Instagram is for showing the world about your business through photos whereas Pinterest deals more with discovering content that you have come across on the web. Here are some factors that will expose all the attributes of both Instagram and Pinterest.


With over 800 million users, Instagram is definitely the best user-centric platform. It allows the users to click images and videos from mobile, as well as, offers various filters and a space for caption before posting the image. This kind of user-interface and user-friendliness make Instagram an ideal place for brands that are looking to increase their user engagement. On the other hand, Pinterest is more of an individualistic platform where people tend to find and curate content provided by other users. So, if you are looking to offer a much more personal experience to your users about your business, Instagram is your go-to option.

Target Audience

Since you want to promote your business on social media networking sites, the target audience is going to be the top determining factor for the success of your social media marketing campaign. Pinterest is probably the only social media platform that often appears to be gender-specific, owing to its 70 percent of users being women. Also, the user demographic on Pinterest is a bit older compared to that of Instagram. In contrast to Pinterest, Instagram comprises all kind of user demographics and is predominantly popular among young users. Almost half of the audience on Instagram is from the U.S. which makes it the best choice for targeting a global demographic. For targeting your audience and increasing likes on your posts on Instagram, you can avail the online sources like


Instagram makes content marketing easier for brands who are seeking ways to boost their user traffic. You can have your business look more professional and incredibly appealing on Instagram, thanks to its endless editing features. This is something that business owners miss on Pinterest, as you are only allowed to pin normal pictures or edit on your own before pinning them.

Links and Hashtags

Use proper hashtags and links for optimizing your chances of being discovered on social media. Although you can only include one link on Instagram and one for every post on Pinterest, when it comes to using hashtags, Instagram is the clear winner.


If the aim of your social media marketing is to engage with new users and gain loyal customers for your brand, Instagram is the ideal option for you. In case you simply want to generate traffic to your site, Pinterest can help you do that. However, with loyal customers and proper optimization of the profile link on Instagram, you can not only generate better website traffic but can also create brand awareness on social media.

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