Top 10 key points you need to consider while designing an ios app

Top 10 Key Points You Need To Consider While Designing An Ios App

Introduction to an iOS App-

iOS stands for the iPhone Operating System. It is moduled in every Apple manufactured devices which is iPhone, iPad, iPod. It is the robust form of programming language, based on Macintosh OS X. Until 2010 it was known as the OS but, later it is called iOS.

An iOS app is a software application that is explicitly developed for Apple’s iPhone. These applications, let the user make interaction with the various web services, rendering their geographical positions.

These applications are free to use and some are paid after the utilization of the trial version.

But, these applications have changed the day-to-day approach of humans by assisting them in daily chores.

iOS app provides the interface for users from the fields of business, marketing, management, academics, politics, fitness, culinary, fashion, shopping, and many more listings that are favorable to the users.

Features of an iOS-

iOS has tremendously transformed the functionality of several Apple manufactured products like; iPhone, iPad, and iPod. Following are the features for the iOS;

  • It has transformed the utilization of the battery saving module, by designing a new update in the core systems. Earlier, there were several issues regarding battery life among iPhone devices.
  • Another main feature in iOS is the predictive writing. Users can easily get the predictive words from the system for convenience related to the user-initiated searches.
  • The peculiarity that has made iOS an apple of the eye among the users is the ‘continuity.’ By ‘continuity,’ users can start and continue there tasks from any Apple manufactured devices. Considering an example, if a user has started composing an email on MAC, then they can also continue that from the iPhone.
  • Apple ID can now be shared among the six persons. So, it will be pleasant for your group of friends or family to share the downloads without any hassle.
  • It offers an exclusive iCloud service, where users can store the excess of their data on the protected & secured, cloud drives and cloud storage places.
  • Multiple accessibility options for the use of an interface to the ease and convenience for the users.
  • Highly precise and accurate location services that help the users to take advantage of food, health, fashion, and several services.
  • It is the mammoth-sized software, that is moduled at the 64 bit for the uninterruptible and hassle-free performance.

The accessibility of iOS Apps-

iOS applications are widely used, at the exclusively manufactured devices by the Apple;

  • iPhone is the most anticipated device from Apple, that offers the applications for the users, related to their day-to-day chores associated to banking, finance, marketing, academics, fitness, fashion, etc. iPhone has laid the foundation stone, in the iOS applications that have been transmuted, to the other devices of Apple.
  • iPod is also among such devices, that use iOS applications. But, this device is dedicated to the music only, and there is a limit of use for the applications.
  • iPad is a transformed version of the iPhone, and it also shares the same iOS applications. But, the system configuration is advanced in terms of the processor, RAM, display and, graphics.

Programming language of iOS-

  • A programming language is the soul of an application. It is the basic necessity, for the expeditious working of the application.
  • The kernel of the iOS is mostly written in C, with a little blend of C++. The boot loaders, for the system, are written in C. Device drivers, are embedded with C++.
  • The lower-level libraries and few assemblies are, represented by C. Higher level framework, and some assemblies are, embedded with C++, ObjC, and ObjC++.
  • API is not exposed, to C++ for any variety of programming. The scenario, of programming, changed after the emergence, of the Swift programming language. It is the programming language that, is used in the libraries/frameworks. It does not comply with the API, due to its volatility.

Recommendations while you design an iOS App-

An application is like a living matter in the iPhone, iPad, and iPod! Without the application, your device is like a dead fish.

For the development of the application several recommendations are to be considered;

  1. An application must be user-friendly. A developer needs, to consider the screen size of every device for the development of the application so, that the fingers of the users are within reach of the app. If the user interface of an application is not within the reach of the user, then the app will be of no use and eventually it will fail in performance.
  2. Keep an eye, on the clutter when you develop an application. Clutter makes the application clumsy, and hence, it creates the hindrance in the accessibility of the app. The ideal way is to make your application’s content and interface elements to a limit. For the user’s ease, a simple design is a must.
  3. Chunking the activities on the application interface is a compatible way to involve the user. By dividing, the several activities on the app it creates the interest of the user. It distinguishes, between two activities such as browsing and purchasing.
  4. A familiar screen should be used. The familiar screen is that, which is interacted by the users in many apps. Considering an example, “profile,” “settings,” “payment,” and “home” are the familiar screen options, that a user interacts with regular in most of the apps.
  5. Minimizing input options makes the user comfortable. The application must inquire about requisite information related to the user. Avoid the long listings, for form filling because it is difficult to type on the mobile screen. Unnecessary fields must be barred, and only relevant information should be asked from the users.
  6. Consistency, for the app, is considered the main aspect. It is very important for the development of the app that, it should maintain visual and functional consistency for the optimal response to the user.
  7. Don’t sit like a duck, after the development of the app! You must, constantly provide the update and maintenance work for the app. Regular updates and maintenance work improves, the aqueous operation of the app. It fixes the bugs and other minor faults.
  8. Readability of the text also matters. The emphasis must be put on the font size, font type, and contrast of the user interface for optimal readability.
  9. High-resolution images and graphics should be preferred for the quality of the app. These high-resolution, pictures and graphics do not get distorted.
  10. A developer must adhere to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. These guidelines act as the inspector for the success of the application. It helps in the fluid interaction of the user with the application.


Designing an iOS app is a blend of creative, and hard work. Designing an app is not a one-step job, rather it is like nurturing a plant. When an app is developed it requires regular updates, bug fixes, and maintenance tasks, for the superb functioning. Reviews, from the users, can not be ignored because they provide the raw experience of the app and the issue that has been faced by them.

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