Author name: Sujain Thomas

Sujain Thomas is a database expert who began his career with and iscurrently heading a database management company that she has formed along with his husband. Sujain is fond of acting and is a member of an amateur drama group. She is also very active on the social media.

Is it Possible to Recover Encrypted Files from Hard Drive?

Most institutions and businesses are using some type of encryption to protect sensitive information such as payment databases, email archives, etc. The encryption tools and techniques, ranging from Encrypting File System, Permissions, and Encryption software utilities have greatly improved the security. But, on the contrast, none ensures a complete safeguard from data access issues. Despite […]

Is it Possible to Recover Encrypted Files from Hard Drive? Read More »

Database Creation and Management

Database Creation and Management – How Can You Handle It Well for Social Networking Websites?

It is possible to mint money on the internet because numerous companies and individuals have done it. Furthermore, there should be no reason why you too cannot make it. Just imagine the humble beginning of Facebook and Twitter that run billions of dollars of Business Empires today. It does not always require launching large online

Database Creation and Management – How Can You Handle It Well for Social Networking Websites? Read More »

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