How to Measure Digital Marketing Success/Effectiveness?

Digital Marketing

Measuring your Digital Marketing success/effectiveness is very much important to analyze and know how your efforts have made progress so far. You always need to stay updated on the results and of the things you have implemented during the process of Digital Marketing. Analyzing each and every step during marketing will help us define our weaknesses and strength too.

Basically, Using the various tool you can measure the success of a digital marketing plan in any way you want. Here, the list of different tools that you can use to measure the success of Digital Marketing:

  • Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most used tool for web analytics which is developed offered and maintained by Google.

It helps us to track the following metrics

    • Number of visitors
    • Visitors time duration
    • Sources of page
    • Visited pages
    • Bounce rate
    • Time Spent
  • Hubspot

Hubspot is an all in one marketing, sales, and customer service platform that you can use to monitor and track the whole marketing process. These simple SEO tools help you to monitor how you’re ranking, and how much traffic you’re getting, from specific keywords. Also with dashboards, you visualize exactly how your website, social media channels, landing pages and calls to action are doing.

  • Marketo

Marketo is one of the popular tools used to measure the ROI of the business. It helps to determine which marketing programs impact revenue the most and simplify key marketing metrics.

  • Mixpanel

Mixpanel is an analytics platform that is used to track user interactions. It helps you to analyze the actions that people perform in your application.

  • Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a really good tool for social media management with helpful features. It helps to optimize the tasks which concern social media activity and presence.

Not measuring your success and effectiveness means not knowing your work progress and that’s what you want to do, right? So, here are some ways to measure digital marketing success/effectiveness to stay updated and know how much you have progressed in your marketing.

  1. Analyzing Traffic Sources

Analyzing traffic sources means knowing where exactly the traffic came from. You might have created some backlinks which might have brought a lot of traffics to your website. Or, maybe a social media post with a link might have gone viral. Any effort you made on Digital Marketing can play a vital role and you must know which marketing effort is doing well and driving traffic. So, you must be analyzing your traffic sources on your website in a certain interval time. You can use a tool like “Google Analytics” to check and analyze the Traffic sources on your website.

  1. Conversion Analysis

Conversion could have different meanings according to the campaign. It could be a sale, leads, download or subscriber. So, you must be tracking the conversions and analyzing them properly. Which content or post made the conversion possible, the path of the conversion and the successful positive behavior of any customer must be analyzed to determine the effectiveness of your campaign.

  1. Mobile Traffic

Nowadays, there is a huge number of mobile users than PC or desktop users. Due to high mobile users, you must be keeping track of every mobile user visiting your website or is connected with you. You also can compare your mobile traffic with desktop traffic to analyze from which platform your content or website is more engaging and where they are most likely visiting. And, you can use these matrices to enhance the user experience.

  1. Pageviews

Pageviews is one of the most basic methods to analyze the success or effectiveness of your digital marketing. It can be simply known that a webpage with most views having certain content is the most engaging or maybe an attractive post. Pages with fewer views can be known to be less attractive, less engaging or not marketed properly. These matrices will help to improve the website content marketing.

  1. Average Time Spent rate and bounce rates

How much time people are spending on your website would be important data to know? Also, the bounce rate will help you to analyze how much people are bouncing back from the website and you can find places for improvisation. People who spend a long time on your website could be your potential customers. Your marketing efforts can be directly analyzed through this.

  1. Analyze New and Revisiting Traffics

Any website owner’s aim would be to re-welcome old visitors and attract new visitors to the website. If old visitors revisit your website, then it means that they might have found something useful content on your website. No revisit means either they found better business or content or did not have good experience on your website. So, you can measure your digital marketing success by analyzing revisits on your website.

  1. ROI (Return on Investment)

This is the direct method to know if you are running your marketing campaign well or not. The gain or loss generated by the marketing campaign will easily help you identify if your marketing is making a profit or not. Evaluating the efficiency of the investment will directly help you to analyze whether you are succeeding in your digital marketing campaign or not.

Thus, these are the methods you can use to measure your Digital Marketing success. Analyzing your marketing efforts will help you find out your weaknesses and later improve it. You will also get wiser and will be able to pre-analyze before implementing the marketing campaign which will help you save a lot of time and money.

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