Manual Testing is still Breathing, How?

In the recent past, there have been a lot of discussions related to the complete end of manual testing. A plenty of tech conferences, meet up’s, magazines, blogs etc. are talking about the end of manual testing for years now. Even, one of the top company’s high-end official even said that ‘death of testing’ has arrived, and who you would even think that this kind of testing really exists now.

The days are gone when a software tester was supposed to ‘test’ his/her own code multiple times, and send it across to the production; checking systems, delivery programs, test automation, constant integration, AI, microservices etc. However, does that simply mean the companies do not require a manual tester anymore to help them with their testing processes?

Under the umbrella of Manual QA Testing, some of the most intricate scenarios are covered, which basically consist of several human judgment as well as decision making. Devices and tools to add value where doing repetitive activities like regression and humans excel in tasks that are associated with research, judgment, inventiveness, and wit.

As per one of the famous testing expert, it can be excessively expensive to devise proper test automation scripts for all the fresh products which are still in the development stage. Hence, it’s continually altering. When it comes to keeping the automation scripts present may even end up costing way more than the budget set, and even the worth of the software. Hence, the sole method to get the app steady enough for automation is via the manual software testing services process.

Advancement in the field of technology

The world of testing is evolving at an exponentially high rate. The techniques are making the companies way more efficient now. The testers now have the opportunity to bring groundbreaking automation in order to function as well as non-functional testing. First-rate performance testing experts who earlier used to spend innumerable hours manually evaluating code with some of the tests can now easily focus on the automating a huge number of tests which will lead to greater quality applications that are being released regularly.

You may like to watch a Video on Manual Testing by Qatestingtraining

One of the top company’s top executive said that the main thing for humans who wish to succeed in the long run will observe this segregation of powers by specifying in what you do best while cooperating with the computers. It seems that we will have to think about the ways to deal with this technical revolution.

In order to stay up-to-date the testing experts have to abide by some of the rules listed below:

  • Always stay abreast with the latest and associated technological advancements by locating and following every publication written for professionals in your field

  • It is always a great idea to be part of the workshops and training, even out of work

  • It is important to organize the technological experience. This can be done by making a comprehensive list of each and every programmer that you use

  • Eradicate any of the technical programs which you do not require to help to stay updated about the remaining apps

  • Organize regular meetings specifically with the tech support staff

It’s certainly not all possible for the tech devices to become absolutely agile to not need any sort of creative input. The underdeveloped social skills of Artificial Intelligence highlight that human’s jobs are safe at least for now however this is reliant on any type of specific role and particularly the ingenuity of a particular role. When we talk about testing, machines and AI are surely expected to supplement the creativity and not eliminate the requirement of expert creative test experts. The testing landscape at the moment is an exclusive field where people are certainly willing to learn new talents to stay updated. Consequently, one of the greatest ways to stay in the loop is by keeping yourself informed and updated all the time.

Manual testing has a requirement of its own. Though the power of Automated and Selenium Testing can never be ignored! But, you cannot simply ignore the use and applications of manual testing. Therefore, people who are in the manual testing field have to keep devising newer ways to shine and keep the technique alive.

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