Top 8 Tips & Tricks for the Perfect Website

Nailing your strategy for digital marketing is crucial for growing your business and building your brand in 2020. Well, there are over 4.7 billion users worldwide who are active on the internet. Thus, it’s pretty clear that there’s a demand for digital communication, and that’s the only reason digital marketing is important for your business. In this era of the internet, the majority of customers are dropping by to the shops and picking up smartphones or computer devices instead.

Thus, it’s high time for you to move your business online by creating a website. But just having a website isn’t sufficient if it’s not digitally perfect for marketing purposes. Hence, to perfect your digital marketing efforts, you need to follow the 8 tips and tricks given in this post to design a perfect website. Continue reading this post to know more about these tips and tricks!

Perfect Website

8 Simple Digital Marketing Tips to Design a Perfect Website

Your website is a reflection of your brand strategy and it’s the first impression your customers, and potential investors get of your business. There’s a lot you need to do for creating a perfect website than just having a logo on it.

Your customers judge your website and business within seconds of the first interaction. For this reason, you need to use these precious initial seconds to make a positive impression on your customers.

While designing your website, there are 4 major components you need to consider and work upon and these components include Content, Technology, Brand, and Design. To design and develop your website, the first and foremost thing you need to do is make sure that your website is uncluttered. For this, you must ensure that you and your team are all on the same page to achieve all your goals of having a perfect website. If a website is too busy, especially with pop-ups, no one likes it. Thus, if you’re going to have an ad, chatbox, subscription, or pop-up, put everything to one side of the page so that it’s unobtrusive. Thus, to help you design a perfect website, we’ve collected the best Digital Marketing Tips followed by AskIITians for the perfect website design. Read on further to know what these tips are!

If you’re ready to design a website that’s perfect for your business to take it to the next level, here are some digital marketing tips to help you.

1. Research Your Competitors

Before starting any business, whether offline or online, it’s necessary for you to know how you’ll differentiate yourself from your competitors who already have their presence over the internet. This is of utmost importance because being different makes you stand out and which will ultimately bring more users, traffic, and clicks to your website than your rivals. So how do you perform competitor analysis? Well for this, a quick search on Google for your related services will help you identify and know your competition, and understand the digital marketing tactics they’re using to run their business. By performing research on your competitors, you can get clarity on various factors such as the blog content they’re using, services they’re offering, their reputation, and customer reviews they have online.

2. Find Your Perfect Domain Name

Finding and picking the domain name that goes perfectly with your business is one of the most important things you’ll need to do for your website. In addition to just defining your website, you must have a domain name that communicates all the required information to both, the human visitors as well as the search engine bots. Choosing a domain name carefully can drive more website traffic by increasing user interest. Thus, while choosing a domain name, there are a few things mentioned below that you need to consider:

    • Be careful with the length: When it comes to the domain name, less is always more. It’s always easier for customers to remember and type the shorter domain names. It’s a good idea to limit the domain name to just 2 or 3 words.
    • Keep it simple: If you want people to remember your website’s domain name, keep it as simple as you can. This is because uncommon or complicated names may be harder to spell or remember correctly. Avoid adding numbers or dashes in your domain name.
    • Do enough keyword research: To help your users to recognize you or find you in a search, make sure that you add relevant keywords to your domain name. Keywords can include your location, what you offer, or what you do. for example Online Programming Tutors in Australia. Doing this will help you target your local users and customers
  • Keep it the same as your brand name: If you don’t want your customers to be confused and get to a website with a different name, it’s always good to keep your domain name the same as your brand name. If you think that keeping it the same isn’t possible for variable reasons, try to name it somewhat close to it.
  • Include your brand name to the domain: Your domain name should always reflect your brand and vice versa. However, building a brand and gaining recognition can take time. Thus, while creating your domain and brain name, make sure that you don’t use any existing trademarks or brand names.

3. Develop a Clear Vision

Having clarity on what’s the point of your website will help you fulfill all your short term as well as long term goals. Thus, the first question you need to ask yourself is what exactly is the purpose of your website. Do you want to sell products? Do you want an investor or wish to start a crowdfunding campaign?

The answer to these questions is not just essential to create a content strategy, but also for planning a flow diagram to reach your goals. If you’re clear with the agenda of designing a website, it becomes much easier for you to plan further such as developing or improving your content strategy.

4. Great Content is an Important Asset

Once the initial establishment of your website has been completed, it’s vital to fill your site with the right and relevant content and provide it a consistent look and feel. However, most companies prefer blogging, but it’s not a good idea for all. This makes sense only if you can write or upload new articles regularly on your website. When it comes to blogging, it takes time and forces you to invest a lot of time on your website. There’s no doubt that blogs and articles can help you attract more potential customers to your website, but if you combine your blog with an offer or a newsletter, it would add more value to the user.

To attract more customers to your business, make sure that you maintain as much transparency as possible with the services, products, and pricing. This would enable your customers or potential buyers to find out more about your offers without having to contact you. Always keep your website updated with the offers so that your customers keep on visiting your website regularly. While writing the content on your website, try avoiding the use of technical terms, and embellish your content with suitable images to make your site look more attractive to potential customers.

5. Define Your Target Audience

Knowing your customer plays a major role when it arrives to marketing your business, especially online. Identifying the audience that can be your potential customers helps you in understanding their core pain points and how you can solve them through your products or services. To define the design and the content of your website, you must understand who are your potential buyers. Depending on the customer group and industry, users or the website visitors expect some specific appearance or layout. The layout and design of your website make your potential customers feel more attracted and engaged by the way you present your business to them. If you’re wondering how you can identify your target group, below are the ways that will help you:

  • Conduct market research to recognize various factors such as location (local, national, or international), Psychographics (interests and behaviors, personality, attitude, lifestyle), Demographics (age, occupation, gender, marital state, income level)), Industries (medical, education, non-profit, etc.), market trends, buying habits of customers, competition, pain points, and other such factors.
  • Understand the pain points of customers and their purchase path. Further ask yourself, how your brand or company or website can provide a solution to their problem followed by identifying the goal your target audience wants to achieve.
  • Try employing differentiated or multi-segment marketing as it aims at gaining customers from different market segments to buy similar products for the same uses.


Target Audience

6. Creative Design and Layout Goes a Long Way

The layout and the design of your website must match the audience you’re targeting. But if you want to stand out from your direct competitors, make sure that you’ve got the unique and creative design of your website. The layout of your website should be created in such a way that customers or the website visitors find it attractive and feel engaged with it. To ensure that your business can easily be recognized and identified, always place the logo of your brand in the most prominent places in the navigation above. Remember that color plays an important role in attracting customers, hence make sure that you orient yourself on the logo to create a unique yet uniform image on the web. Always be logical while structuring the navigation of your website so that your users can quickly access the relevant information they are searching for. Linking the content properly is crucial, thus don’t forget to add suitable links to your website content.

7. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

In this fast-paced technological world, people usually love to browse the internet from their smartphones. Thus, your website must be mobile-friendly. Many startups repeatedly make this mistake that their website looks fantastic on computer devices, but on mobile phones, it looks like trash. For this reason, if you’ve got a website, always use its responsive design so that it works seamlessly on both mobile devices, as well as computers.

8. Add Call to Action on Most Prominent Places

Using the content to provide a call to action to your audience gives a great user experience and increases lead generation. A call to action is basically an invitation to your target audience to use your product or services. Some of the best calls to action texts or buttons you can use on your website include ‘Contact Us’, ‘Request a Quote’, ‘Call Now’, ‘Book Now’, ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Download a PDF’, and ‘Leave a Review’. Other than this, you can use the Call to Action buttons that you think will be suitable for your business needs. This will not only improve your content but also improve your rankings on search engines, bring quality users or visitors to your website, and provide the best user experience. All these factors play a vital role in converting users into buyers. Hence, always add CTAs to your website.

Wrapping it Up

Companies, especially the early-stage startups need to set up their presence over the internet as early as possible. This is because having an online presence would add more credibility to their business. A website is something that creates the first impression on customers of your business. So now when you know how to create a perfect website, follow the digital marketing tips and tricks that are mentioned above.

From the above post, it can be concluded that when it comes to designing the perfect business website, update the content on a regular basis. If you’re making any changes in the design or logo, it’s essential; that you update the same on the homepage. Make sure that you revise and renew the content accordingly. Following the tricks and tips mentioned above will help you strengthen your brand presence over the internet and attract more and more customers that would help your business grow with time.

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