Which Type of Apps are Best for React Native

Which Type of Apps are Best for React Native

Cross-platform or hybrid apps are mobile apps that are built for more than one operating system using a single code base, such as Android and iOS. While native apps are still a preferable choice, hybrid apps are also gaining popularity. Hybrid apps haven’t wholly replaced native apps yet, but they are easier and quicker to build.

Various frameworks support cross-platform app development. Some of the famous ones are, React Native by Facebook, Ionic, Flutter, Xamarin, and more.

What is React Native?

React Native is a framework by Facebook that was designed to support and build hybrid apps. It started as Facebook’s internal project in 2013 but was quickly available on GitHub in early 2015. The framework allows developers to build native-like apps for Android and iOS using a communal language, i.e., JavaScript. Facebook Ad is the first-ever app built on React Nativethat entirely runs on the framework.

What Makes React Native A Great Choice?

React Native has many advantages that make it the best choice for website and application development.

  • It’s a cost-effective and time-saving solution that allows simultaneous app development on different platforms using a single code
  • It has a faster-debugging process, i.e., Hot Reloading.
  • React Native allows businesses to build an app that gives a native app feel.
  • It uses JavaScript, which is easy to learn for developers.
  • It generates native APIs that enhance the performance of the hybrid app.
  • React Native offers a simple UI that is easy to use for developers.
  • The use of React Native ensures that the apps on each platform look and feel similar.

Types of Apps Built withReact Native

React Native corresponds with the market needs of mobile app development because of the two dominating operating systems: Android and iOS. Businesses opt for React Native when they require the smooth and quick deployment of mobile apps on multiple operating systems.

There are five types of apps that are built on React Native:

Custom Mobile Applications

Building an app from the ground up gives you complete control during and after mobile app development. You have full ownership over the app, and it allows you to customize the app as per business needs.

If your business requires custom apps for different platforms, then React Native is your best bet. Custom apps can be quickly built on React Native because the framework allows developers code reusability. Developers can effortlessly implement the same code to save time, with minor editions, on multiple platforms. Examples of custom apps on react native are Facebook, Snapchat, and more.


  • Custom apps allow complete ownership of the app and development.
  • They’re tailor-made apps designed as per your business requirements.
  • Custom apps are more secure from unwanted hacking and threats because they’re unique to the business.
  • The apps evolve with growing businesses and can be altered repeatedly.


  • Custom apps are time-consuming because of unique features.
  • The apps are expensive to build because it’s built with complex code.

Cross-platform Apps

It’s no surprise that React Native is one of the top choices to develop cross-platform mobile applications. Cross-platform appsare also known as hybrid apps that can be deployed to various operating systems using a single code. React Native decreases development time whether the app is heavy or light. Some famous examples of hybrid apps are Discord, Instagram, and more.


  • Cost-effective solution to build native-like apps.
  • Easy to develop on multiple platforms.
  • It has a simple UI/UX for apps development.
  • Cross-platform apps can easily integrate with other mobile apps.


  • A cross-platform app doesn’t perform as well as a native app.
  • The apps lack smooth integration because of inconsistent communication between the native and non-native components of devices.
  • It feels and looks like a native app, but it lacks the features of a native app.
  • It takes time to implement specific operating system updates in the apps.

Prototype Apps

Prototype apps are developed to show investors or clients. The apps are a mini version of the actual app. It has most features that also give an idea of what to expect from the main app. React Native is a handy framework for making prototype apps because it’s quick and budget-friendly. The apps can be created with basic UI and limited functionality.


  • Prototype Apps save your time and costs. With a generic prototype, customers get an estimate of the expenses that will incur and the timeline.
  • Prototypes enable customers to give feedback that helps developers improve the functionality of the app.


  • Developers may rely on the analysis of a prototype too much and get distracted from doing a proper analysis of the mobile app.
  • A bad experience with the prototype can turn away customers in the future.

Lifestyle Mobile Apps

Maintaining a work-life balance for workaholic people is a constant challenge, and that’s when the need for a lifestyle app arises. Lifestyle apps are simple apps that make life a little easier.Some types of lifestyle apps are budgeting apps, sports and health apps, fashion apps, dining or dating apps, and more.

The apps require a simple code, and React Native is a framework that makes it easy for developers to build apps on multiple operating systems. Lifestyle apps have some standard features that are:

  • An eye-catching UI –The UI should attract users to engage with your app. A unique user interface makes all the difference for a lifestyle app.
  • Easy registration – Most lifestyle apps feature third-party login that allowsusers to register with their existing social media accounts.
  • Push notifications – lifestyle apps have push notifications; for example, a water drinking app reminds users to drink water.

Build Your App Using React Native Today!

React Native is an innovative, modern framework that allows time-saving development of Android and iOS apps. It’s still a new framework, but it offers a variety of features that make it a company’s first choice. Most startups and small businesses prefer touse React Native as a cost-saving solution for mobile app development.

With React Native, you can start building an Android app, and then using the same code; you can build an iOS app in the future. Good luck with your React native app!

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