10 Myths About Personal Branding Keeps You From Growing

There is a demand for starting a business and becoming a key service provider. People are becoming entrepreneurs, trainers, and coaches and so for an individual, it is essential to create their own identity. It helps customers or audiences to identify businesses and differentiate between them and their competitors. In professional words, this is called PERSONAL BRANDING.

The changing business environment and fast-paced internet era have changed a lot of things. It doesn’t matter anymore that you’re an individual or a company, personal branding is important for both.

Personal branding can help in boosting your online presence and can introduce you to new opportunities for your business.


Many times people come across some crucial pieces of information and start believing false myths and accept them. Here you will get to know about the most common myths about personal branding that needs to be clear.

#1 Myth: A Personal Brand Is Only About You

“Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room – remember that. And more importantly, let’s discover why” – CHRIS DUCKER

One of the major myths about personal branding is that people think it is only about them. But this isn’t true. When you are a brand person, your business and the people working with you also benefit. According to research, approximately 90 percent of employees who work with people who themself a brand enjoy their work time compared to those who don’t.

One point to note is that there has to be a balance as well in everything or it can ruin the image in the eyes of investors. The amount of time you invest in personal branding should always match the importance of your client’s requirement.

A Personal Brand Is Only About You

#2 Myth: Creativity Doesn’t Need Personal Branding

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – J.K Rowling

Personal branding doesn’t make you a commodity, it’s a myth. Instead, it creates an image of yours in public for a long time or even forever.

There are multiple options available to your client to choose from, and it is possible that it won’t be you. If you don’t make your creativity your brand then you can not grow and won’t be able to show people the skill you possess, and because of that companies with higher brand value can replace you even after providing below standard work. If the client chooses to work with you, make them trust you and your capabilities. It can benefit in two ways:

  1. Helps you boost your reputation and build good partnerships between you and your client.
  2. It is the best way to share an authentic message and attract a specific group.

By sharing your image, you connect people and it helps convey to your customer who you are and what your capabilities are. You need to care about the perception of yourself because if you don’t, people can assume a lack of care and professionalism in your company or your personal capabilities.

#3 Myth: Social Media Branding Is Only For Famous Personalities

It is apparent nowadays that you need an impression that can be shared online. You have to create a digital brand that matches your real-world reputation. It doesn’t matter who you are, what work title you have, what are your career objectives, you will anyway need a digital brand that shows that you are a player in today’s world of work. When people come in contact with a genuine brand they completely connect themselves individually.

Your brand has moved online, and you wish to look after it the way you keep an eye on your brand within the real world. You will definitely get your potential clients through social media.

Social Media Branding

Contributing time on social media has truly demonstrated, businesses that flourish on positive personal branding on the portion of the founder and employees tend to pull in more representatives, clients, and financial specialists than ones that don’t.

So start building your personal brand by following some easy steps.

  1. Understand who you are.
  2. Determine what you want to be known for.
  3. Set your audience.
  4. Research about the top industry.
  5. Welcome networking.
  6. Look for Recommendations.
  7. Develop an online presence.

“Start by knowing what you want and who you are, build credibility around it, and deliver it online in a compelling way.” – KRISTA NEHER

#4 Myth: Personal Branding Is Not For Introverts 

There have been many individuals who think that personal branding is as it were for extrovert people and for the individuals who need to be an influencer. In other words, the myth is that people who cherish being around people and need to draw attention towards them work on personal branding.

The truth is, a companion who is more introverted than an extrovert person but he has confrontations all over his business. He does this because whenever someone visits his profile they keep seeing his face. Visitors can see who he is and the profile page tells them the approach he uses to enhance the quality and standard for his clients.

Personal Branding Is Not For Introverts

So, know that it is all about letting your client know who you are and learn about *YOU* only.

“A great brand is a story that’s never completely told. A brand is a metaphorical story that connects with something very deep – a fundamental appreciation of mythology. Stories create the emotional context people need to locate themselves in a larger experience.”  – SCOTT BRADBURY- NIKE, STARBUCKS

#5 Myth: Personal Branding Requires A Lot Of Money

For efficient personal branding, you don’t require a lot of money but the reality is different. The budget for personal branding always has to be set up by you only.

The budget will be dependent upon your requirement. For that, you can be present online by having a personal website, or you can even do that by being available on social media platforms. Personal branding considers a lot of factors in determining the longevity of your business, so make sure you strategize it correctly.

“The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity, and accountability.” – SIMON MAINWARING

Personal branding bridges a gap between your past experiences and future expectations. It is all about clarity, focus, and relevance. Always think twice so you can align your personal budget with your future business expectations.

#6 Myth: Personal Branding Is A Short Term Strategy

Many people think that personal branding is a short-term strategy for the business that cannot help them in their business for a very long time but it is not something which is a short-cut strategy that can play around for a few months or weeks only.

Personal Branding Is A Short Term Strategy

In the real-world, personal branding can be considered a long-term strategy that can help a business in various ways such as:

  1. Helps your business to have more online visibility and become stronger.
  2. Leverages your network to build relationships.

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.” – BRUCE LEE

#7 Myth Personal Branding is A New Phenomenon

It is one of the major myths among people about personal branding. However, it is not a new phenomenon. Consider an example of Charlie Chaplin and how much he has contributed to his personal branding. A personal brand is not just strategically formed but it is discovered with values and permanent contribution.

In the present world, one can easily access information about any individual with just a few clicks, so if you know how to do personal branding of yourself then you are possessed with an evergreen skill.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos.

Many celebrities have created their brand in the past and we still glare at their present aura in today’s world. So it is not a new phenomenon but it got hype in the last two decades.

#8 Myth Personal Branding is An Exhausting Job

One of the biggest myths that you may have come across while learning about personal branding is that it is an exhausting process. Many people think that building a personal brand is a lifetime process. But the truth is that personal branding is all about demonstrating what makes you and your business are capable. Means, it’s just about doing your job and marketing its success on a personal level as well as advertorial ways.

On average, personal branding takes around 9 – 10 minutes a day to build in the right manner. All you have to do is become consistent in whatever you are doing.

It can take a full 2 weeks in a year to spend on your personal branding process. So, it is not an exhaustive process instead a proper strategy and mindset can help you create a personal brand in a short time.

“Focus on identifying your target audience, communicating an authentic message that they want and need, and project yourself as an “expert” within your niche.” – KIM GARST

#9 Myth Personal Branding is Not Important

You can do everything to maintain your reputation right? Well, your online reputation is what your personal brand is. The thing about the online world is that everything keeps continuing forever. In the past, you maintained your reputation by being fair and made connections with people.

However presently, if your online presence is not as consistent as it was, then you will lose it all. You will be judged by your personal brand online all the time. Even if you are not doing anything to create a difference.

“Inspiration exists, but it must find you working.” – PABLO PICASSO

#10 Myth No Option Of Changing Specific Personal Brand

Many people think that it is not possible to change a specific personal brand. However, it is not true at all. You can take a real-life example of Alfred Nobel who succeeded in changing his personal brand image.

Myth No Option Of Changing Specific Personal Brand

He is the one who invented the dynamites. Owing to the awful reputation of dynamites at war, the press nicknamed him the ‘merchant of death’. Requiring to recover his brand, he chose to set up the Nobel Prize, which recognizes those who advantage humankind. In brief, that procedure worked, and the person is presently best known for the prize instead of the invention of dynamites.

“Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something—to create something or help others in some way. The question is, how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand – which you deliver.” – DAVE BUCK

So, it is time to throw away all these personal branding myths and start growing your business.


Personal branding is an essential concept in today’s digital world. You better hurry up so that you can catch up on the opportunities or else it will be hard to show up and become a part of the conversation.

You can find myths about anything in this world. As everything has two phases just like personal branding has its highs and lows. Be patient and authentic and you can make the best out of it.

Encouraging your personal brand is the investment that can pay off, again and again, in your business.

You have the power to create an impact in the world, all you need to embrace it. Your legacy lies in your own hand.

“All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” – TOM PETERS IN FAST COMPANY

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