Here are some Blogging tips and tricks on what to look for and do to attract more readers and visitors.
You could make it short and say, “Blogging good articles”. The quality of the blog article decides in the end. But that does not mean anything. The following list could be called in my eyes as “20 criteria for a good blog”.
1. Regularly and Permanently Blogging
A blog lives from returning readers (regular readers). In order to maintain that permanently, you have to regularly offer new articles with a certain blog frequency.
2. Emphasize Focus Topic
Every good blog has a focus topic. With pure mixed blogs one can win usually no Stammleser. So you have to work out your own profile and interest in several articles. Just, in the beginning, that may well be a basic article. And then, over time, you can cut and integrate margins here and there. Every successful Blogger keep this Blogging tip in his mind. However, I would always recommend that you first establish a thematic foothold before plunging into new areas.
3. Find Your Language
A blog lives on the written word. Written language is infinitely diverse, and everyone has their own. It is important to find your own language in blogging tips, which can then be read fluently and, above all, authentic. If that sounds confusing, do not think about it. Then read your articles again and see if it’s the way you want to read it.
4. Short Sentences
I strongly recommend not to build tapeworm sentences. Skilled tapeworm sets are usually a satirical art form. For content-interested readers, short sentences with at most one comma are the easiest to read. You always have to remember: most readers only come back if you do not make it too difficult for them. Short Sentences is an Important Blogging tip.
5. As Short As Possible, As Long As Necessary
That may sound absurd from my lips: write as short as possible and as long as necessary. This is a very difficult thing, especially for me: you have to put one thing in a nutshell. Detours and anecdotes are usually rather annoying. However, one should try to narrow the context so that the focused topic becomes understandable. For this one must gain a feeling for what previous knowledge the readership probably has. Sometimes you have to go further, sometimes you can expect some previous knowledge. This point is tricky, and you get only in the course of time a feel for it. It’s an important Blogging tip.
6. Have An Opinion!
As I understand it, a blogger needs his / her own opinion. Sure, if you have a pure news blog, then it is not absolutely necessary. But there’s plenty of that, and basically, they’re all interchangeable. A blog becomes alive and worth reading only when you feel the person behind the words and the opinion that should always resonate. Bloggers are not fact machines, but interpretation and opinion challenge readers to respond.
7. Pictures And Videos
I would always recommend including one or two pictures in a blog article. This may cost some time, but it gives the blog article a sympathetic note and may possibly even clarify what has been said. Also, suitable videos (which you can embed very easily eg via YouTube) help readers to better understand the context. According to this Blogging tip pictures & videos are must be relevant to the blog
8. Research And Link!
One should assume that one never had a thought first / first. Everything has been reported somehow and somewhere before. Before or after writing you should, therefore, do a little research, which already exists on the topic. I use Google for that by just looking for the title of my blog article (or keywords). Then I look through the results until I have found at least three good and serious pages in terms of content. That brings you also in terms of content. Above all, I would strongly recommend that you include these three or more links in the text or under the article to “read on” or as “further information” or something.
Linking other blog articles has the positive side effect of pinging in there. The author, who is obviously interested in the topic, is then quasi informed that they have written something themselves. It may well be that this person then recommends his own article.
By the way: Links from blog articles are usually real recommendations, and therefore you should not castrate them with a Nofollow link.
9. Citations (with indication of source)
Sometimes, others can just get it to the point. Then you should just take this passage as a quote. The quote should never be longer than approximately 25% of the original article (indicative, depending on the individual case). And of course, you should link the source (author and website) accordingly.
10. Connect Your Blog
There are plug-ins for all blog systems or ways to integrate social media icons in the blog. As you can see with me, these icons can be found in the blog article. Anyone who has read over and finds the post worth distributing can then simply use one of the buttons. Personally, I would limit the sharing buttons. Too many rob performance (The site takes longer to load) and confuse rather than want to serve them.
11. Connect Yourself!
One of the most important points: use the internet! Especially blogs and forums. Find the pages where like-minded people share. Help other bloggers engage with the topic by leaving a comment. No article can say anything, and there is almost always a perspective on a topic that could still be taken. With a good comment, people always click on the website URL you can leave there. As we see in this Blogging tip Connect Yourself with your Blog.
12. Reply To Comments
I keep observing that blog authors do not respond to the comments. This is bad. the other way around: in good blogs, you get an answer to your own comment – of course only if necessary. A “beautiful written” can be answered with a thank you or not. But if someone in a comment asks a question or criticizes, then you should respond as soon as possible. It is not uncommon for one or the other to respond again, and exciting commentary discussions may develop. It’s a good & important Blogging tip. A very good example is the article by Seonauten: ” What does SEO cost?“.
13. Flatter Good Blogs …
From time to time, mention other blogs or websites that are helpful to you. It plays a big role in Blogging tips. Patrick Wienecke is currently very adept at getting his SeoJunkyz blog up and running by writing an article on the top 10 SEO blogs. Very clever and effective.
14. Constructive Criticism & Have A Different Opinion
Criticizing is an art in itself. But criticism also generates attention. But it is a balancing act: criticism should always be factual and constructive. So you have to clearly define what the goal of the criticism should be. As long as you do not attack a person, but want to continue spinning a content topic, that’s fine. Personally, I even find that the blogosphere is far too timid and over-cautious about criticism (that’s what I mean, too ;-)). You should always keep in mind that you can criticize opinions much easier and more plausible than facts :-).
15. Article Replica (Blog Response)
Especially for young blogs, it is an interesting opportunity to profile with article answers. An answer article is basically a kind of comment. For example, if you notice somewhere that you want to leave a very long comment, then you should take the opportunity to make an article out of it. For example, if Blogger XY has written an article whose derivation or conclusion you find insufficient or contradictory, then this is a good opportunity. The advantage is that you may be mentioned in mentions. Blog response is one of important Blogging Tips.
16. Offer Research Analyzes
From time to time, you should always interweave articles that have an added value in addition to an opinion. Research and analysis are always well suited for this. This is usually quite simple, then it only takes time. You simply gather data that you compare or put in order. In the end, one can derive a short conclusion from this. The principle is very simple, you just have to apply it to your own area. For example, I looked at how often Googlebot accesses my websites or individual images. Or you can analyze how many pages are among the top 100 hits for a particular keyword (see Seo Glossary) look legit, or have an imprint. Or you can check which forums there are on your own topic, and also determines some key figures (how many visitors/topics/manners, etc). Such articles are always interesting for a readership.
17. Blog Parades
There are blog parades regularly or from time to time in almost all areas. Several bloggers write on a specific topic. The Webmaster Friday (the, btw I operate ;-)) is such an example. But many others align blog parades. By the way, if you have a good topic, then it’s even better to start a blog parade yourself. The watercolour artist Frank Köbsch had organized something like that some time ago and thus, in my estimation, had a bombshell. That suits everything and has motivated many to participate.
18. Competitions
Personally, I’m not a big friend of sweepstakes. For me, it always has such a “cheap” taste. But what’s the point? Experience shows that sweepstakes attract many readers. And you get rid of the cheapness of cheap, if you can give away something original instead of a coffee cup. You can be very creative in this context – the craziest, the better (I would say: D)
19. Search Engine Optimization
You really only need to worry about search engine optimization at the beginning (unless you have an SEO blog ;-)). Some time ago I described some hints in an article: Link building strategy for small websites and blogs. SEO plays a major role in your blog ranking, Because of this, it is called the most important Blogging tip.
20. Last Blogging Tip: Be Honest, Helpful And Friendly
This last tip is, of course, meaningless, but in the long run a guarantee of success. Maybe features like “friendly, helpful and honest” on social networks – and blogs are one of them – are even more important than in real life. Who helps others, that will be helped. Who praises others, is also praised. Anyone who can demonstrate this social competence will also be respected.
I’m Anne Sorber and I’m a digital marketer and technical writer. I’m passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and digital marketing trends. I am working in a digital marketing company in Jaipur.