7 Must-Have WordPress Plugins and Tools for Business Websites in 2019


WordPress being the most admired and reliable CMS has eventually altered the way people develop a website for brand awareness. Gone are the old days when you had to adjust the entire code of your website even if you need to make minor changes; WordPress does it all for you!

Whether you are an ardent developer with years of experience or a beginner striving to include basic functions in your WordPress development website; you can’t deny the role of a steadfast plugin. Numerous people out there that are relying on a WordPress website are utilizing the best plugins and tools for enhanced functionality and user experience.

Whether you need to add an image slider or need tomonitor the SEO of your website; there is a plugin!

Here we would be providing you a list of must-have tools and plugins that would surely bump-up the user experience without squandering your time and efforts in the year 2019.

#1 Yoast SEO-


One of the renowned and essential plugins for your business website is Yoast SEO that lets you monitor and optimize your website as per the trending search engine algorithms. It is necessarily important for you to monitor your website’s performance so as to maintain an adequate rank on a search engine.

Yoast SEO lets you optimize your website’s content as per the regulations and rules of any of the search engines, which lets you increase organic traffic on your website. Whether it is the adequate placement of keyword or the keyword density as per the latest SEO trends, Yoast would guide you precisely.

The content on your website plays a huge role when it comes to optimizing your website for enhanced lead generation. The readability and the correct use of keyword can take your business revenues to the next level. This simply means that the Yoast SEO plugin is a must for your business growth while you are developing a business website.

#2 GooglePageSpeed Insights-

For enhanced user experience, one needs to precisely monitor the loading speed of their website. There is no other way you can expect your website to gain popularity on numerous search engines if it isn’t optimized enough to deliver adequate loading speed. Google’s PageSpeed Insights is the best option when it comes to augmenting the loading speed of your website.

You can simply enhance the loading speed and optimize your website for better performance with this plugin, which is widely used by professional WordPress developers. There is no point you can expect better user engagement on your website if the loading speed in average or poor.

This plugin is intended for the advanced users as well as beginners that can check their website’s performance by going through the suggestions offered by Google. The suggestions by Google are quite helpful in augmenting the overall optimization of your website.

#3 TinyPNG-

For the ones that need to optimize their website for all the devices without leaving any chance of delay in loading, TinyPNG is the optimum choice. You may or may not be aware of the fact that images eat a lot of data to load, which is perhaps the reason why your website loads slowly. It is always a great idea to optimize the images in a way that it doesn’t affect the loading of the website.

TinyPNG is a powerful tool that lets you compress the images without affecting their overall quality. You need to just drag and drop your images on this tool and you would get compressed images as per your requirements. This is a free online tool that can help you in getting the right image size without many efforts.

#4 WooCommerce-


For the ones that aren’t aware of the term “WooCommerce”; it is a reliable e-commerce platform that can boost your e-trading without with ease! The ease of access and reliability are the reasons why you need to rely on this powerful platform.

One can easily sell their products on their WordPress website by integrating WooCommerce. Apart from this, you can get enhanced user experience from this platform that is developed to complement online trading without any hassle.

#5 Sucuri-

If you are concerned regarding the overall security of your website, you need to check out Sucuri! This plugin is developed by keeping in mind the demands of the users that are always expecting adequate security for their website. This means you can get proper security from hacks, data leaks, and malware attacks by installing this plugin.

You can also backup your website with this stunning plugin that also provides you performance optimization of your website. Moreover, you get alerts regarding the threats to your website that further enhances your website’s security. This plugin is freely available if you wish to invoke basic security features on your website.

#6 BackupBuddy-


There are certain loopholes in the overall security of a website that needs to overcome by utilizing an adequate plugin. BackupBuddy is the perfect solution for this dilemma, which ensures that your WordPress website’s backup is created. This backup lets you restore the entire website if there is some glitch at the server end.

This plugin also lets the user scan their website for malware and other threats that eventually affects your website. It is strongly recommended that you should consider installing this plugin on your WordPress website.

#7 Envira Gallery-

For the developers out there seeking the best responsive image gallery for their WordPress website; Envira Gallery is the finest choice! This plugin lets you invoke the potential of responsive galleries for both audio and video. The simple drag and drop gallery builder lets you create a gallery that works smoothly on every device without any glitches.

For the ones that are creating their portfolio in WordPress, AEnvira Gallery is a must. This plugin is recommended by numerous photography bloggers, which can eventually harmonize your business in many ways.


The above-mentioned tools and plugins are necessarily important for any business website that is expecting better growth. One can assure better security, user engagement, and optimization with these plugins and tools.

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