Blogger Outreach Tools To Help You Achieve Your Goals

Blogger Outreach Tools To Help You Achieve Your Goals

Have you created a social blogger outreach strategy for your brand? Has it helped you achieve your goals?

Have you considered implementing a sound strategy for your future campaigns?

Blogger outreach can be, but when done right, it can increase your traffic and sales.

Blogger Outreach Strategy

Here’s a short list of things to create that blog outreach strategy and reach your goals.

Great Read: What Is Blogger Outreach & How Do I Do It?

Understand Why You Need Bloggers

Before you go ahead and find bloggers to collaborate with, you first have to understand why you need the help of bloggers. In today’s world, one of the most powerful things to include in your marketing strategy is getting blogger recommendations and reviews.

After all, as much as 81 percent of the users online trust the advice and information given by bloggers. Wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that?

Create Goals

Set your goals so you can easily make decisions for every step of your marketing strategy process.

Find The Right Bloggers

Create your list of bloggers. You can find blogs using search engines or use several blogger outreach tools. Compare each one such as pitchbox vs buzzstream and check which would best suit your brand.

You can evaluate each blogger according to the following:
•    Search Engine Page Ranking
•    Unique visitors
•    Social media stats
•    Blog comments
•    Posting frequency
•    Blog age
•    Guest posts on other sites and blogs
•    Content tone or relevance


Once you’ve found the bloggers that are a great fit for your brand. Approach them via email and make friends. Before asking for their help, you have to offer something in return.

Check Metrics and Results

When you’re finished with your collaboration, measure and create key performance indicators. Check the bloggers:
•    Shares per post
•    Engagement
•    Audience size
•    Content appreciation
•    Positive and negative sentiment
•    Conversions

There are a lot of blogger outreach tools that you can use to measure KPIs easily.

Blogger Outreach Tools

Despite knowing the blogger outreach strategy mentioned above, a lot of brand owners have a hard time understanding where to start. Do you start by building links? Do you guest blog?

Do you evaluate the blog post? They ask themselves a lot of these questions.

To help you with your blogger outreach strategy, here are blogger outreach tools to help you and your brand increase sales and achieve your goals. Let’s take a look at each one, shall we?


For people who want to find the right influencers and build relationships, Traackr is the perfect solution. It’s an influencer management platform that you can use to manage blogger relationships, discover influencers and measure the impact of each one.

Aside from simply looking for the right influencer for your brand, Traackr also helps you manage your relationships and track the impact of each blogger on your business.

If you want to make the most of each one on your contact list, Traackr will show you what’s working and what’s not. This way, you can tweak your future approach and organize your outreach efforts.

Features of the tool include:
•    Scoring of each influencer based on relevance and reach
•    Tracking conversation tools
•    Filtering options
•    Importing of contacts


BuzzSumo is one of the most popular blog outreach tools today. You can use it to find blog post titles, see how content is performing on social media or a search engine and utilize it for blogger outreach.

For content marketing, this tool is popular for its capability to find top performing content in a certain niche. To find bloggers, you can check the most popular content and reach out. Don’t forget to introduce yourself and your brand. You can use this for link building as well as guest blogging.

Other features for this tool include filter by location, type, and top content.


When you’re just starting, you will need some help in reaching the top influencers of your niche. This is where Tomoson can help you.

Once you visit the website, click ‘Find Influencers.’ Type in a keyword to find the right influencers for your brand. For every influencer shown you, you will be given the following information:

•    Website visitors
•    Completion percentage
•    Social media audience
•    Total Reach

With Tomoson, you don’t need to search for influencers since they are already using the platform. You have to choose which ones can provide the best results for your brand. Plus, conducting a search and reviewing the results won’t cost you anything.


If you’re looking for a blogger outreach tool to manage your relationships, research influencers and conduct efficient and personalized outreach, BuzzStream is the right tool for you.

Well, when you look at it from another perspective, you will see that it’s almost the same as the other tools listed here. But some of its unique features include adding new bloggers, link building profiles and social media profiles to your account with just the click of your mouse. Plus, you can save a lot of data for future reference. This is why BuzzStream has a lot of customers.

Another feature found on this tool is its ability to find influencers effectively and efficiently automatically.

Simply upload your URL custom list, and BuzzStream will do the rest. You can use this tool to check every website, find contact information, traffic statistics, social metrics and so much more.

If you’re already tired of spending a lot of hours on just blogger outreach, try BuzzStream.


In everything, some things are fast while others are faster. GroupHigh is what you might consider as quicker than most blogger outreach tools.

By using GroupHigh’s features on blog outreach, it saves you a lot more times. It claims to have a database of around 15 million blogger profiles.

With the help of filters, you can easily comb through this database and find the best guest blog for your brand.

Key Takeaways

All in all, when it comes to researching online, consumers often turn to bloggers. Here, they can learn about a brand, a service or a product.

As an entrepreneur, you can easily leverage the power of bloggers for your content and social media. If you are looking for bloggers, choose any of the tools above.

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