Every web design statistics that you need to know for 2019

It is the 21st century, and the web has officially taken over. With online selling surpassing physical means of trading, every brand – big or small – is investing in getting their websites done. According to the latest data, 29% of the total small businesses that do not have websites are considering getting one. As a result, the demand for website designers has gone up.

If the layout and the design of the website are not attractive enough, chances are high that customers will visit the site only to leave immediately. Be it Amazon or Facebook – a good interface is an absolute quintessential. As a web designer, you have a lot relying on your shoulders when you take up a client’s project.

Not only should the website be easy to navigate, but it should be pleasing to the eyes as well. You need to use the right font, color palette, and the right tools to create a website that is impressive enough to bring in more visitors.

If you are wondering what web designing tricks are going to rule 2019, then here are some solid statistics from the previous year that can help you understand what is going to work this year.

  1. According to Infront Webworks, website speed is a key player!

Think as a user and answer honestly. Do you really have the patience to wait until the page loads completely? Personally, I get very irritated when a web page takes time to load. 47% of users expect a web-page to load in less than 5 seconds. So, take the cue and enhance the loading speed of your website to save your business from the loss of 7% successful conversions.

Bonus Stats

2 .Web pages that take in 2.4 seconds or less to load experience a mobile   conversation rate of 1.9%

  1. An increase in a second in the loading time can cause a fall of 27% in sales.
  2. Blue Corona reveals that 38% of visitors will leave a website if the layout is boring

Now, this is not rocket science. The appeal of a site lies in its visual aspects. So, you need to make sure that the layout is simple, navigable and attractive. It will enable you to keep your visitors hooked to the site. Also, make sure that the content on the page makes a good read.

Bonus Stats

  1. You have 10 seconds to impress a visitor and stop him/her from leaving the site.
  2. A visitor’s first impression of a website is 94% design-oriented.
  3. 64% visitors study the credibility of a company through the website, says SAG IPL 

We all want to make sure that the company we are thinking of investing our hard-earned money in isn’t a scam. Most people look for details of the company like their address and contact information on the website. Once a user lands on the homepage of a site, most of them want information about the products or services that the brand offers. At times, they even want to know about the core executive team of the company.

Bonus Stats

Image 1: Contact details on a website

Source: https://alternativesfinder.com/8-elements-to-build-trust-on-your-b2b-website/

See how in image 1, the web page has all the necessary contact details on their homepage. If you want a lower bounce rate, you need to include the address, the phone number, email ID and other information right on the homepage.

Bonus Stats

  1. 40% of people are likely to leave if you do not have the contact number in clear view on the website.
  2. 46% of consumers complain that the most annoying thing about a company’s website is the lack of information about what the company does.
  3. 40% of people think that if it isn’t mobile compatible, it is not good enough

Did you know that more than 50% of brands increased their sales by getting a mobile version of their websites? According to SAG IPL, users think that a company doesn’t care about the users benefit if they do not have a mobile-friendly version of the website. Make sure to design the website in a responsive layout so that the user can seamlessly navigate it on all kinds of screens.

Bonus Stats

  1. 11. 60% of users access the web using a mobile phone. Investing in a mobile version can boost your sales remarkably.
  2. 12. 97% millennials are mobile users, and 20% of them do not use a desktop at all.
  3. Getting your website optimised can amount to a 26% boost in sales, says Tyton Media

All your effort in making the website visually aesthetic can go down the drain if it remains unseen. So, you need to make sure that the website isn’t limited to visual updates. Make it visible through optimisation. 47% of marketers have reports that getting the website optimised according to the latest SEO practices can bring in better business. You need to take every measure to attract organic traffic to better your search engine rankings.

Bonus Stats

  1. 73% of the traffic on a business website is organic search traffic, and more than 54% is due to an optimised website.
  2. A regular optimisation of a website can hike the visit rate by 13% and increase clicks on the site by 17%.

16.“It is just not the visuals. Content matters too” – this is what 78% users feel about a website

Companies that publish custom content on their websites are more likely to leave a positive impression on its visitors. You need to make sure that the content published on the site is readable. You should also provide links to all the social media handles of the company so that the users have access to the social media posts made by the brand.

social media posts

Image 2: Personalised content on websites 

Source: http://blog.adtailor.com/index.php/tag/customized-content/

Using bullets and catchy content titles can attract more visitors to your site. Also, use the correct font for the content to make it easily decipherable.

Bonus Stats

  1. 39% of visitors will stop engaging with the content if the images aren’t attractive enough.
  2. 82% of visitors trust a company that has custom content on the layout.
  3. According to WebAlive, 49% of websites based on HTML5 get high page views

Your primary responsibility as a web designer is to ensure that the website you design gets a high page view. Therefore, it is necessary that you do everything to attract shoppers on your site. The language used to design and code the website has an important role to play. So, make sure that you use languages like HTML5 and JavaScript to make the most of the website.

Bonus Stats

  1. 17% of all websites use RWD, while 21% use mdot or .mobi
  2. 95% of users feel that good user experience is what makes them come back to a website

To conclude,

Web designing is a spectrum that gives a web designer the freedom to try out trends and go rampant on creativity. You have the option to abandon traditional photos for more vibrant illustrations. You can chuck the grids and take a spin with asymmetrical layouts. Remind yourself that your aim should boil down to one thing –attracting the users. You could use the above statistics to form a unique web designing strategy and overcome all hurdles in 2019. Here’s wishing you all the best!

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